Bio identical Hormone treatment Ankeny, IA - Hormone Health Institute

What are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally produced in the human body. At Hormone Health Institute clinic, we use hormones that are plant-based and custom-compounded in a lab to match your body's unique hormonal needs.

Unlike synthetic hormones, bioidentical hormones are natural and biosimilar, meaning they can bind to your body's hormone receptors and mimic the function of your innate hormones. This leads to excellent symptom relief with minimal side effects.

Who Needs Hormone Replacement?

Hormone levels decline naturally with age, but sometimes they can drop too low, too fast, leading to debilitating symptoms.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) helps both men and women whose bodies no longer produce adequate amounts of key hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA.

Deficiencies in these hormones can negatively impact quality of life. Often, restoring hormone balance corrects troublesome signs like:

Our services

Common Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance

If you're experiencing any of the above symptoms, bioidentical hormones could help you feel like yourself again!

Reclaim your well-being with bioidentical hormones!

Key Benefits of Bioidentical HRT

Bioidentical hormone replacement offers life-changing relief from the effects of menopause and andropause (male menopause). Patients report excellent outcomes like:

Restored Wellbeing

Reduced Menopause or Andropause Symptoms

Lower Risk Profile vs. Synthetic HRT

Bioidenticals offer multiple advantages over traditional synthetic hormone replacement. With a knowledgeable practitioner, they can significantly enhance quality of life without added health risks.

Getting Started with Bioidentical HRT

The first step is diagnostic blood, saliva and urine testing to determine any imbalances between key hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA.

Based on your test results and symptom history, our practitioners will custom-formulate bioidentical hormones and dosages to suit your unique needs.

We'll also make diet and lifestyle recommendations targeting nutraceuticals like vitamins, adaptogenic herbs and quality sleep that support hormone balance and production.

Follow-up blood panels help monitor progress until you achieve full symptom relief with optimal hormone levels in the youthful, healthy range. Expect to enjoy lasting results with consistent replacement!

At Hormone Health Institute, developing personalized care plans that return patients to peak vitality is our passion and expertise!

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are not necessarily safer or more effective than synthetic hormones for menopausal symptoms. Large, long-term studies comparing health outcomes of bioidenticals versus synthetics are lacking, so claims of superiority remain unproven scientifically.

Hormone Balance and Lifestyle

Creating inner balance between mind, body and spirit with proactive self-care is vital for healthy hormone levels. We coach patients on building habits around:

Regular Exercise

Smart Nutrition

Stress Reduction

Quality Sleep

When you support your body’s innate healing with holistic self-care, hormone therapy proves even more effective. Our goal is always to treat the root causes for deficiency, not just symptoms!

Regain balance and vitality with bioidentical hormones!

Hormone Health Institute

Conveniently located in Ankeny, Iowa, Hormone Health Institute offers cutting edge bioidentical hormone replacement therapies to help women and men reclaim healthy, balanced bodies.

Led by _____________, our expert medical team specializes in precision testing and custom treatments using natural hormones identical to your own. We are passionate about returning patients to peak vitality through:

We also provide testosterone and peptide therapies to rebuild vitality, muscle mass, strength and stamina in aging males.

If you’re struggling with hormonal issues, we invite you to book a consult so we can develop your personalized care plan for feeling youthful and energized again!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are bioidentical hormones safe?

Yes, when properly dosed and monitored by an experienced practitioner, bioidentical therapy is extremely safe with few side effects. Made from natural plant compounds, these hormones are identical to what your body produces. This makes them easily recognized and utilized by hormone receptors.

How are bioidenticals different from tradition hormone replacement?

Traditional synthetic hormones are not bioidentical. This means they can over-activate receptors, causing issues like raising heart attack risk from oral estrogen. Bioidentical hormones have the same risk profile as your innate hormones before menopause. They correct deficiencies without additional risks.

Do I have to worry about cancer with bioidenticals?

Major studies show bioidentical estrogen and testosterone do NOT raise cancer risks like traditional hormone replacement. We carefully monitor patients to ensure hormones stay in the normal healthy range to avoid any increased risk.

What results can I expect from bioidentical HRT?

Most patients enjoy significant relief from hot flashes, night sweats, trouble sleeping, weight gain, lack of energy, low libido and other hormonal deficiency symptoms within the first 3 months. Everyone responds differently, so we customize therapy until you report feeling balanced and youthful again!

What should I do next if I have symptoms of hormonal imbalance?

We recommend getting a screening with Hormone Health Institute. Through lab testing and evaluations, we can get to the root cause of what is causing bothersome symptoms. Then we customize an HRT plan to help you regain optimal hormone levels so you can get back to thriving!

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